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  • Welcome Ola the Orca, The Games Mascot
June 26th 2024

‘Ola the Orca’ was created by 12-year-old Sarah Sutcliffe, an S2 student at Kirkwall Grammar School. The mascot will be a key part of the Games activity leading up to and during Games week, which will take place across Orkney from 12 to 18 July 2025 when 2,500 Islanders from all across the world will come to compete on Orkney soil.

Back in September this year, the Organising Committee received 880 entries from children and young people across Orkney. The judging panel then had the difficult decision of whittling down the entries and chosing a truly Orcadian mascot.

Culture Minister Christina McKelvie said, “It has been fantastic to see that so many entries were received for the design of the Orkney 2025 International Games mascot. While there can unfortunately only be one winner, the competition has been an excellent way for local children to get involved in the event, with it really capturing the community spirit for which Orkney is known. I’d like to say a huge well done to Sarah and the others who submitted their designs and I think Ola the Orca will be a great addition to the Games.”

Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland Director of Events, said: “Congratulations to Sarah on her winning design of Ola the Orca and well done to all those who entered the competition. It is great to see so many young people taking part, showing the important role events play in our communities by providing the chance to connect, enjoy and share memorable experiences.

“Ola the Orca will now continue the long tradition of event mascots by providing a fun and memorable character in the build up to and throughout the 2025 Orkney International Island Games.”

Sarah’s teacher, Mr Berry, said “It is great to see Sarah’s dedication, artistic talents and creativity recognised through winning this competition - congratulations on your well-deserved success! You’re an inspiration!”

Many great sporting events have mascots and they are generally a character that entertains fans, but also delivers important messages about the values or purpose of an event. The first ever mascot for the Island Games was Max the Cat in 2001 when the Games came to Isle of Man.