Gold Sponsors

Orkney Builders
Sheila Fleet
Logan Air

Silver Sponsors

MacGregor Industrial Supplies
Sutherland's Pharmacy
Highland Industrial Supplies
West of Orkney Windfarm
R Clouston limited
Salmon Scotland
Scottish Sea Farms
Scottish Water

Bronze Sponsors

d and h
Motion Technology Services

Peedie Sponsors

Cafe Lolz
The Albert Hotel
Denholm Port Services
Stockan's Oatcakes
Alison Moore
Alfred Flett Ltd
R S Rendall Ltd
Lindsay and Son Electrical Services
Thor & Freya
Orkney Aggregates
Grooves Records
Isbister Bros
Orkney Office Supplies
Artmachine Graphics

Interested in Becoming a Sponsor

Sponsorship plays a pivotal role in ensuring the outstanding success of the Island Games. We recognise the immense value that our sponsors bring to the Orkney Island Games 2025 event. We invite you to complete the form below to explore the diverse range of sponsorship opportunities available.

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