June 26th 2024

Orkney Builders has stepped up as the largest sponsor of the 2025 Orkney Island Games, generously committing to contribute both monetary and a wide range of in-kind support.

The week-long island games, taking place on Orkney in July next year, will welcome over 2,000 competitors and officials from 24 islands competing in 12 sports. Marking a milestone 40th year since the games first began, it will be the largest multi-sport event taking place in Europe in 2025.

A passionate supporter of the Games, Stephen Kemp, Managing Director of Orkney Builders and a Director of Orkney Distilling, is working closely with organisers to help make Orkney’s flagship event a huge success as preparations for the islands’ largest ever event continue to progress.

As a key sponsor for the games, Orkney Builders will provide a wide range of crucial support over the next 17 months to help bring the games to life, such as setting up road barriers and dormitories for the visiting competitors. Additionally, the firm has pledged a generous cash sum to the event, to help cover some of the costs associated with putting on such a large-scale event.

Stephen also has a personal interest in the games, as he proudly supports his wife, long-distance runner Aly Kemp, who took home the bronze medal in the 10,000m race at the Guernsey Island games last year, as she continues her training journey in the run up to race day, and is dedicated to ensuring the games success.

Leading by example, Stephen has signed up as a volunteer for the games, and is encouraging his workforce of around 85 staff across his business to do the same.

“Alongside our employees who will be taking part in the competition itself, we are keen to get as many of the team involved as possible and are encouraging them to sign up as volunteers.

“As a construction company, we have a lot of skilled resource available such as people with excellent organisation and coordination capabilities, so their support could make a huge difference to the games.”

“I went along to the Guernsey Games as a family to support Aly who was there to compete, and it was incredible to see first-hand the huge force of local volunteers coming together to support the event. There was always someone there to help meet the needs of visitors and athletes from across the various island groups, and I would love to see that same energy being delivered here in Orkney.”

Orkney 2025 Games Chair, Gordon Deans, said: “It is great to see local businesses such as Orkney Builders actively encouraging their employees to sign up as volunteers for the event, we really need as many Orcadians as possible to get involved and help make the event a huge success.”

The 20th Island games is principally funded by Orkney Islands Council and EventScotland, supported by existing sponsors including West of Orkney Windfarm, Sheila Fleet, and Nirvana Europe, alongside Orkney Builders, offering varying means of monetary and in-kind support.

In 2025, the Orkney International Island Games will be the largest multi-sports event anywhere in Europe, providing a unique platform to showcase Orkney – from its natural beauty and welcoming people, to its amazing products and future-facing businesses and industries.

A brilliant opportunity to promote Orkney as the perfect host and Scotland as the perfect stage, event organisers are seeking sponsors to enable the enormous undertaking to be run at the highest possible standard.

Gordon added: “The Games would not be possible without the generous backing from our sponsors. The logistics of delivering this event are very complex and any sponsorship support – whether they be monetary or in kind, with these associated costs are incredibly valuable. We welcome enquiries regarding potential sponsorship from any businesses that would like to help us deliver a world class sporting event in Orkney next July.”

For all information on the Orkney 2025 Island Games, please visit: https://www.orkney2025.com